Thursday, June 5, 2014

S'mores Ice Cream

The great thing about this dessert is that it combines two of summer's most favorite treats... ice cream sundaes and s'mores!  The other bonus is that because of the ingredients used in the ice cream, it has a slower melting factor than most ice creams, which in the heat of summer can be a great blessing.  Now, should you be is a rush and not have the time to make your own s'mores ice cream, you can substitute a mild chocolate or rocky road ice cream from Bryers or Dryers.  Hagan Daaz would be a bit too rich for this recipe.  THIS IS NOT A MAKE AND EAT ICE CREAM.  IT MUST BE FROZEN OVERNIGHT IN THE FREEZER BEFORE THE RIGHT CONSTANCY IS ACHIEVED... otherwise, you end up with more of a funky chocolate pudding.

S'mores Ice Cream Sundae 

1 recipe of S'mores Ice Cream (see below)
Cool whip
1 sheet graham crackers, crushed
1 bar Hershey's chocolate, cut into to double square pieces

To Make The S'mores Ice Cream
1/2 cup cocoa powder
1/3 cup granulated sugar
1/4 cup brown sugar, packed tight
1/8 teaspoon salt
2/3 cup whole milk
1 2/3 cup heavy cream
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
7 oz jar of Fluff (marshmellow cream)
3 sheets of graham crackers, crushed
2-3 oz of milk chocolate (Hershey's bar preferred), melted and kept at room temperature but still liquid

In a bowl mix together cocoa powder, sugar, brown sugar, and salt.  Using an electric hand mixer, whisk in the whole milk until all ingredients are dissolved.  Beat in the heavy cream and vanilla extract for approximately 2 minutes.  Refridgerate this portion until ready to use, up until overnight if necessary.

In your ice cream maker (I use a Cuisinart), assemble unit and turn it on.  Poor the above mixture into the unit while it is on.  Depending on the recommended time for a soft freeze on your unit, mix 20-40 minutes.  When you have about 5 minutes remaining, with the machine still running, add the Fluff one scoop at a time and the graham crackers.  Continue the mixing/freezing process in the machine and add the liquid chocolate to the bowl of the ice cream.  Closer to room temperature is best as if it hardens it will not mix in very well, so it needs to be more liquid viscosity.  Continue with the ice cream maker on 5-10 minutes then place in container for hard freeze overnight.  DO NOT CUT THE FREEZING STEP FOR A HARD FREEZE SHORT!

Take one scoop of the ice cream in a small bowl.  Top with a dollop of Cool Whip (or fresh whipped cream) and sprinkle with crushed graham cracker crumbs.  Garnish with a "stick" of Hershey Chocolate Bar.  Enjoy!

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