Monday, September 1, 2014

Tickled Pink Pickled Onions

I cannot believe that I love these onions as much as I do.  They became a staple in my refrigerator as they are very simple to make and you can keep it on hand for quite a while.  Makes a great addition to salads, appetizers, a little "extra punch" for a steak or seafood.  So versatile, delicious, and colorful.  Because of this I usually double the recipe, but that depends also on the jar size.  These never go to waste in my house!

Tickled Pink Pickled Onions

1large red onion sliced thin*
1 1/4 tsp salt (Kosher salt or salt work great for this)
1 Tbsp plus 1 tsp sugar
1 cup vinegar red wine vinegar (or white wine vinegar)**
3/4 cup water

In a mason jar, or other non-reactive container, place the sliced onions. 

In a separate bowl, mix the salt, sugar, vinegar and water until all ingredients are dissolved.  Poor over onions.  If the onions are not covered, add more vinegar to top off.  Seal the jar then shake it to be sure everything is distributed well.  Let sit at room temperature for 1 hour for a "quick" use or place in refrigerator for 2 weeks.  Onions will keep in refrigerator for about 1 month.  

When ready to use onions, simple remove the needed amount from the liquid.

*Note:  I like to slice the onion in half, then slice each half thin, place in jar and allow them to "pickle".  When you add them to a dish decide if you want the longer slices or cut them in quarters or even dice them depending to what you add them.

**This is the fun part and one reason I like cooking.  Depending how you feel that day or what you like best, have some fun with this ingredient.  Red wine vinegar gives a sweet and deep flavor with vibrant color.  White wine vinegar you will maintain more of the natural color of the onion but over time it will turn more pink. 

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