Monday, August 11, 2014

Chunky Tzatziki Sauce with Dill and Lemon

Those of you who have made our BVC Tzatziki Sauce know it is FABULOUS but quite labor intensive.  For a shortcut, or just a change up on a similar sauce, this recipe is delicious and offers different refreshing flavors.  We are introducing both because I cannot decide which I like better.  Depends often on what I want or what ingredients I have on had but both are winners in my book.  Mix and match with your favorite recipes that a Tzatziki style sauce complements and you will not be disappointed... you may find you need to double the batch to have enough for leftovers!

Chunky Tzatziki Sauce with Dill and Lemon

1 english cucumber, peeled and diced
1 small (5.3 oz) container Chobani plain yogurt
juice from one lemon
1/4 tsp granulated garlic
1/4-1/2 tsp fresh dill chopped
salt and pepper

Mix all ingredients together and serve cold!

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