Saturday, August 9, 2014

Orecchiette Pasta Salad with Tomatoes and Feta

A great side dish.  Fresh, simple, colorful and flavorful.

Orecchiette Pasta Salad with Tomatoes and Feta

This is a great recipe for a pot luck, picnic, bbq, or family dinner.  This quantity does make quite a bit, so if serving a family of four only I would cut the quantity in half, at least for the pasta; you can use as much or as little of veggies and cheese as you wish when cutting the recipe.  

4 cups small cherry tomatoes (or other small varietal) cut into halves or quarters
3-4 shallots, chopped super fine
2 bunches asparagus
1/2 cup chopped fresh parsley (optional)
1 lb feta cheese crumbles
juice from 2 lemon (about 1/4 cup)

4 Tbsp olive oil plus 4 additional Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1lb box Orecchiette* pasta, cooked per box Al dente (usually about 9-10 minutes)

Chop tomatoes and shallots.  Combine in non-reactive mixing bowl with lemon juice.  Set aside at room temperature 1 hour or in refrigerator 4-6 hours.

Boil small pot of water.  Chop asparagus into 1 inch segments and blanch 2 minutes in boiling water.  Drain and rinse then place in ice water to stop cooking.  Refrigerate until ready to use.

Cook pasta per package directions for Al Dente results.  Drain and rinse under cold water.  While pasta is in colander toss with 4 Tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil to keep pasta from sticking.  Cool.

Combine cooked pasta with tomato mixture, asparagus, feta cheese, and parsley.  Toss to combine well.  Add approximately 4 Tbsp more olive oil (more or less depending on quantity and consistency).  Refrigerate until ready to serve.  Serve cold or at room temperature.

*Orecchiette can sometimes be tricky to find depending on your grocer.  Any small pasta (ie. shells, spirals - Rotini- etc.) capable of "catching" some of the smaller elements of the pasta will work great. 

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