Monday, August 11, 2014

Tzatziki Sauce

A must have refreshing garnish for summer grilling.  It does give you a bit of a workout as you want subtle texture from the cucumber which requires quite a bit of arm strength using the grater, but well worth the effort.  This recipe differs from our Chunky Tzatziki Sauce as we use the lime and mint for added flavor for this one where in the other we combine the lemon and dill.  I LOVE LOVE LOVE both versions so had to share them both as they are equally as great.  Use with the BVC Verdant Marinated Chicken Kabobs, the BVC Lamb Burgers, the BVC Lamb and Lemon Kabobs, or the reinvented leftovers turned BVC Gyros.  A MUST HAVE in your recipe repertoire!

BVC Tzatziki Sauce

1 English Cucumber, grated and placed in colandar to drain for approximately 15-30 minutes
1 (5.3 oz) container Chobani plain Greek yogurt (or your preferred Greed yogurt)
1/3 cup sour cream
juice from 1/2 lime
2 tsp minced fresh mint
2-3 garlic cloves minced (NOTE:  fresh raw garlic can be quite spicy.  Use 1/4-1/2 tsp granulated garlic or garlic powder instead.  If you can find Freeze Dried Garlic by Lighthouse that is the best!)

Combine all ingredients and refrigerate until ready to use.

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